Face & Ear ID

Face & Ear ID

Face & Ear Comparisons

by Joelle Steele

Joelle Steele

I offer three options for analyses and comparisons of facial features and ears, plus an option for a Declaration. Accuracy is critical to making a good comparison, so please follow the instructions below very carefully.

NOTICE: I no longer analyze/compare photographs believed to be of Abraham Lincoln, Jesse James, Frank James, or Billy the Kid. Please don’t even ask, as I don’t respond.


  1. If your analysis specifically involves the ears, please make sure all your photos are of the same ear. Ears are never exactly the same on any given head.
  2. Scan your questioned photo and up to three exemplars (known photos) in color (even if originals are black and white).
  3. Scan your photos at high resolution (300-600 dpi minimum, or 1200 dpi if it’s a face in a group photo).
  4. Save your photos as individual .JPG files.
  5. Name and number your files so that I can identify them (e.g., questionedphoto.jpg, exemplar-1.jpg, exemplar-2.jpg, exemplar-3.jpg).
  6. Do NOT alter or enhance your photos in any way.
  7. Do NOT send me composites, overlays, PDFs, zipped files, or links to photos on Web sites.
  8. Do NOT send me originals or prints by US Mail.
  9. E-mail your photos as attachments to me at: joellesteele@authenticateidentities.com.

I will look at your photos to see if they are clear enough to be analyzed and to make sure I have not analyzed your image previously (yes, it does happen). I will then respond to your E-mail and say whether or not I can analyze them. After I confirm to you that I can analyze your photos, select the appropriate Option below and make your payment to joellesteele@authenticateidentities.com at PayPal.

Turnaround time depends on how busy I am, but 1-3 working days is about average for photo analyses.

Option #1: Quick Analysis with Brief Explanation – $100

A yes/no response in an E-mail as to whether or not it is the same person, plus a very brief explanation as to why that determination was made.

Option #2: Quick Analysis Without Explanation – $75

A yes/no response in an E-mail as to whether or not it is the same person, with no explanation as to why that determination was made.

Option #3: Expert Declaration – $600

Please be advised that when I write a Declaration, I do NOT advocate for a specific litigant, and this is always stated clearly in my Declarations. I am only seeking to determine whether or not a face in a photograph is authentic.

I generally provide my signed Declarations on pleading paper. If you want to place my text on your own pleading paper, just let me know and I’ll send you a Word doc instead. However, please be aware that I will not sign a Declaration that has anything in it that I did not write, or anything omitted that I did write.

The same instructions used for Options 1, 2, and 3 are necessary for me to do a Declaration. Turnaround time for analysis is about 1-3 days, and about 3-5 days for a Declaration.

After I confirm to you that I can do the photo analysis, please make a payment of $100. If you want me to proceed to doing the Declaration after the photos are analyzed, please make an additional payment of $500. Please make your payments to joellesteele@authenticateidentities.com at PayPal, or send a check payable to Joelle Steele, PO Box 8492, Lacey, Washington 98509-8492.