Handwritten Forgery Detection

Handwritten Forgery Detection

Joelle Steele’s posts about handwritten forgery detection.

  • Mentors Led the Way

    Mentors Led the Way

    by Joelle Steele I am mostly a self-taught, court-certified expert in analyzing and comparing faces in photographs and detecting forgery in handwriting. At the age of 14, I began reading books about graphology, but quickly abandoned all the interpretive stuff, and turned instead to document examination. Read more…

  • Problems With Modern Handwritten Signatures

    Problems With Modern Handwritten Signatures

    by Joelle Steele While they don’t teach cursive handwriting in schools these days, people still usually know how to sign their names. But is it possible that we will eventually not sign our names at all? No one can predict the answer to that question. Read more…